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What It’s Like To Be A Belieber In College

What It’s Like To Be A Belieber In College

Being a belieber in college takes true dedication.

It all started the summer of my freshman year of high school…

This brand new artist named Justin Bieber stole my heart. A young teenager from Canada had become my life.


Fast-forward almost eight years, and I’m still here completely obsessed, if not more, with Justin Bieber.

He’s everything a girl could want in a man…

He’s got the looks,


The money,

And he’s so friendly.


I’m almost 21 years old and I don’t see my early teenager years crush going anywhere.

Every time I listen to Purpose, I die a little more inside…


And I have no shame in telling people that May 4, 2016 (the night I died and went to heaven…or saw the Purpose Tour in Brooklyn) was the best night of my life.

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As a college student, being obsessed with Justin can be pretty detrimental.

I spend a good amount of time watching his documentaries, reading his tweets, stalking his tagged pictures on Instagram and more.


I defend him as if I know him personally, and take serious offense if someone says they don’t like him.

It’s pretty much a full-time job if you ask me.


If I were able to major in Justin Bieber, I would ace every class.

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