Be The Best You: How To Live For Yourself

It is 2020, and with this being such a chaotic year, it is time to stop worrying about outside factors, and focus on yourself! This can be your year! Living for yourself is a lifestyle change, that will reflect positively on your life! Here are a few tips to get started!
1. Learn How To Show Up For Yourself
The biggest key to beginning to live for yourself is showing up for yourself. What this means is being confident in yourself, and what you bring to the table. This means doing stuff that makes you happy before anyone else. If you have a goal, then stick to it. Get the job done. Incorporate things in your life that will make you genuinely happy, before making others happy. Put yourself first in all aspects of life. If life feels like to much at times, maybe rethink your plan of action. Many of us live for others, and it can be hard to learn to say no. People are born with the desire to please others. This may give you momentary satisfaction, but will leave you unhappy in the long run. Take time to learn what would truly make you happy, and stick to it.
2. Stay Consistent
Staying consistent is the hardest part of the journey. Whatever you goal may be, make sure that you are working everyday towards it. Doing a tiny act every single day, may not seem like much to begin with, but will add up eventually. Staying consistent will help you reach the smaller milestones, which then turn into larger ones. If your goal is to change your lifestyle, spending an hour at the gym each day seems like such a hassle. An hour of your day is only 1/24 of your day. That is such a small amount of your day in retrospect! If your goal is to save money to be more financially stable in the future, putting aside $50.00 dollars a month until you retire seems like nothing. Once again, that small amount will turn into something so much larger in the long run. The key to this is thinking about the bigger picture. The process may be a drag in the moment, but will lead to something so much bigger. The light is much brighter at the end of the tunnel.
3. Learn What You Can & Cannot Control In Your Life
This is an important factor. General anxiety can be caused by worrying about things that are out of your control. Learn what is in your control, and have peace with the factors that you cannot control. There are several factors in life that we cannot control such as sickness, jobs, and unforeseen events that may arise. For example, when a loved one falls ill there is nothing you can do except make the best of the current situation at hand. This is not easy to accept, and takes a lot of time and mental preparation to do so. Take time to appreciate the small things in life that you can control. This will make a big difference. Take time out of your day to do something that you love each day. This could be working out, being creative, talking to friends, self-care. Just a small action that will make a big difference in your happiness and wellbeing. When you are happy, others around you can tell. When a person is happy they radiate happiness and kindness. What you put out into the world, will gravitate back to you. Be grateful for each opportunity that comes your way, and what you have in this life. Learning to be at peace with whatever your current situation may be, will help you be happier in the moment. Try this instead of worrying constantly about the future, and the factors that you have no control over.
4. Learn To Accept Help
Realize it is okay to ask for help, and to receive help when offered. Admitting to your struggles is hard. Think about it this way, if you are struggling there may be portions of the struggle that you are not well equipped to handle. However, someone offering help may be better equipped to handle. Compare asking for help like using google as a resource for homework! Google has all the answers already, or information that could help you reach the answer to the homework. The internet has endless resources that are available to help educate people on just about any topic. If struggling with homework, most people would turn to the internet for help. Most people wouldn’t think of turning to the internet for information, as asking for help, but it is the same thing! Do not be afraid to go to a family member, friend, or resources that have been available to you for help. That is what they are there for, so take full advantage of it! Asking for help does not mean that you are failing or incompetent in any way. That is just a stigma in our society!
5. Realize Failures Are Necessary
Relating back to the last tip, another stigma in our society is the concept of failures. A failure is not always a bad thing. Think of a failure of a learning experience. As cliché as this sounds, this mindset is vital for personal satisfaction. Realize whatever you may have “failed” at in the past, has either taught you a lesson, or redirected you to where you are in this phase of life. Take a bad breakup for example. If the relationship failed, it does not mean you failed at life or at that. You may have given it your all, but it was just not meant to be. This relationship should have taught you what you do deserve in a committed relationship, what you look for in a partner, and maybe a bit about yourself. You would have never come to realize what you do and don’t like if you had not had that wonderful learning experience. Failures teach the hardest life lessons, but the most beneficial ones.