Amy Wong

8 Motivational Methods You Need To Know To Tackle Mondays

8 Motivational Methods You Need To Know To Tackle Mondays

It's the dreaded Sunday night and it's Monday tomorrow or you've woken up on a Monday morning and you are…

5 years ago

10 Simple Cardio Workouts For Beginners

Cardio workouts are great if you are looking to burn fat or calories in order to lose weight. What's even…

5 years ago

The Ultimate Song Playlist For House Parties At University

Partying is the norm when you're a university student. Whether you're hitting the club or going to a house party,…

5 years ago

10 Cute Anniversary Ideas For Long-Distance Relationships

Long-distance relationships can be hard enough as it is without being there in person with your significant other. It can…

5 years ago

Money Saving Tips For Families On Holiday Abroad

If you have a family, going on holiday can be a chaotic time - you're running around trying to make…

5 years ago

10 Easy Stretching Methods To Help You Become More Flexible

Watching YouTube workout videos where yogis seem to have amazing flexibility can put you off from even attempting to try…

5 years ago