You Know You Go To The University of Melbourne When

Adventure enthusiast, who loves weekend drinks with the girls and…
If you’re at that stage of your life where you are completing a University degree, chances are if you’re one of those people who knuckled down in high school, can successfully fill out an international student application or feel sick at the thought of disappointing your parents, you’ve ended up at the University of Melbourne. Here are some attributes that we can all agree we are guilty of at times. You know you go to the university of Melbourne when…
It’s a must that you give yourself an extra hour when getting to classes to account for the terrible Metro reliability.
You acknowledge the trams and trains that run Melbourne are just as reliable as the runs you promised yourself you’d carry out in the New Year. So you allow for extra time to walk places as well as time to buy that almond decaf double shot latte on your way to class.
You log on to timetable for the semester and all classes are full in 6 minutes.
Although you wake up at 7am to log on and be prepped for 8am release of classes, somehow you still manage to land the 9am Monday morning class with the 5pm Friday finish. This frustration subsides once you realise you probably won’t go to the classes anyway.
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You contemplate selling your organs to afford your semester’s text books.
You receive your subject book list to find the three jobs you currently work won’t cover the costs. Looks like the weekly menu has a forecast of Mie Goreng with a side of Heinz beans. You are relieved to find that at least half of them are offered as e-copies. As the semester goes on, you begin to hate the paper back books even more as you juggle them from arm to arm while paying for coffees with your apple pay watch.
You are constantly trying to convince people ‘not all Melbourne Uni kids are snobs’.
You attend parties and gatherings where the natural progression of banter turns to ‘Do you study? Where?’. You prepare yourself for the uphill battle of dismissing remarks of ‘snob’, ‘what was your ATAR?’ and ‘Do you study Med, Arts or Law?’ as if those are the only courses you would be enrolled in.
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You pray that all of these attributes will be meaningful when you land your dream job.
You go to bed each night after wiping away the tears of regret and procrastination hoping that leaving that hour early, working those three jobs and eating below the poverty line will all be worth it when you secure your dream 9-5 office block job.
Do you go to the University of Melbourne? Let us know down below!
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Adventure enthusiast, who loves weekend drinks with the girls and spending time on the beach!