10 Tips For Introverts At Western Sydney University

I'm currently studying Bachelor of Communications in Western Sydney University,…
As a fellow introvert myself, I know how intimidating socialising in university can be. We are surrounding with people who are probably much older than you, probably much more skilled than you and here you are still figuring out what you want to do in life. But after surviving my first year in university, I discovered plenty of tips for introverts at Western Sydney University!
For those who are unaware on what an introvert is, an introvert is someone who is sometimes shy from doing social activities and sometimes needs time isolates ourselves from others. It’s not like we don’t enjoy having a social life, it’s just we need to take breaks from doing so every once in a while. A simple explanation is that introverts are like wireless controllers. We just need to recharge our batteries after being used every now and then. Keep reading for 10 tips for introverts at Western Sydney University!
1. Just be yourself.
The first thing you need to know about Western Sydney University, all the things that you enjoyed doing that people deemed weird in the past, is accepted with open arms! Everything that you love doing will have a place in this university so there is nothing to be ashamed of. Feel free to know that once you enter, you will be accepted on what your interest is, no matter how weird it is!
2. Find your old friends.
I guess the first thing to do during day one is to find people you recognise in the past as this can help ease your way as you enter university for the first time. Even if they’re probably doing a different course than you, knowing that there is someone you know from high school studying in the same university as you can help calm you down because in the back of your mind, you know you are not alone.
Also, you can meet up and rant about how much you miss high school or talk about how university is better than high school.
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3. Meet new people.
Your first day is more likely to be an introduction lesson and a perfect opportunity to know who your classmates are. In university, especially in WSU, you will be in a room filled with a different mix of people all with different stories to share. And who knows, you will find someone who you’ll click easily.
During my first day, our lecturer told us to go introduce ourselves share to the class why we wanted to do the course we’re studying. I got to know things about my classmates that were interesting and I found some people I can relate to.
If you are going to stay in a university accommodation, take this opportunity to know who your new roommates are going to be. These are the people you’re going to be living with for the next few months so time to know who you’ll be saying hello to every day (especially since you’re going to be sharing the same bathroom).
You will be meeting an interesting mix of people in your new humble abode, all doing different course and have different experiences in their life so take this opportunity to know them. If you’re living in a single accommodation, maybe saying ‘hi’ to your next door neighbours could be a good way to introduce yourself.
4. Participate in the Out & About Adventures.
You can’t be shy and alone during your entire time in university so feel free to befriend people who probably are different from you, try things that you’ve never done before and see where it takes you. Western Sydney University has this ‘Out and About’ program where they let students experience things that they’ve probably never got the opportunity to do like a bridge climb in the Sydney Harbour Bridge or a hot air balloon ride.
So take this opportunity do add new experiences in your life. You can see upcoming events and see more about the program here.
5. Join clubs that suit your fancy.
There is always a club for everyone… LITERALLY!!! Love playing Pokémon Go? Join the Pokémon Go Society! Love to fight for human rights? Join Amnesty Western Sydney U! BTS, Exo or Seventeen fan? Don’t worry, there is a K-pop club called K Seoul (A K-pop society). Are you a giant nerd for pop and internet culture? Nerdfighters is the place for you! Find one that seems to suit your interest and who knows, you’ll be friends with a whole group of people who are just like you. Orgsync is the best place to help you find clubs that may interest you (note, you do need to have a WSU student account to view the clubs).
6. Join study groups.
When there is a huge assessment due and you seem to be stuck, maybe creating a study group isn’t such a bad idea. You are able to collaborate with people who are also stuck with the same assignment. The workload in university is sometimes best tackled in groups rather as a solo project and who knows, you all may learn something that you haven’t thought of before.
Maybe even try attending a PASS class where they can help give you a better understanding on the subject you’re struggling with.
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7. There is nothing wrong from isolating yourself from time to time.
Even if university is welcoming you to do and try these new things, know that you don’t always have to say ‘hi’ to everyone. Find yourself a nice place to sit down and relax before class starts and do whatever it is for you to recharge those batteries.
During the entirety of my first year, before class started, I went to one of the empty tables and used my laptop since it helped me relax before the day started. There are lot of empty spots for you to take a break and relax so feel free to find the right spot.
8. Go hang out with your friends outside of university.
Try to find some time outside of university life to go hang out with your new friends outside of campus. This a good bonding moment for you to know your new friends better and a way to explore places you’ve never been to before. You all get to try new things and create new memories with each other.
Also it’s a good to take a break from studying once in a while!
9. There is always someone to talk to.
From the university lecturers to a fellow classmate, there will always be that someone who will have an open ear for you to talk about your problems. It’s ok to be open up your feelings and concerns as there will be people would love to help you. Western Sydney University has a really good counselling service filled with people who are there to help you with your needs. They have plenty of tips for introverts at Western Sydney University. You can see more information here!
10. Try new things!
As much this is a bit hard for you do (and trust me, it was hard for me as well) take this opportunity to do things that are far from your comfort zone. University is a new chapter in your lifetime so make use of it for exploring new interest, befriending people you come across and seeing what university life has to offer. Take this moment to break out of that comfort zone once in a while and see what’s out there. All you need to do is take a deep breath, clear your mind, and take the plunge.
Like Shia Labeouf says… JUST DO IT!!!
Do you have an other tips for introverts at Western Sydney University? Feel free to comment below and share the article!
Featured photo source: favim.com and redagency.com.au

I'm currently studying Bachelor of Communications in Western Sydney University, majoring in Media Arts Production, but subbing in Journalism. During my spare time, I create content on the internet. Enjoy :-)