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8 Ariana Grande GIFs Every Florida Gator Can Relate To

8 Ariana Grande GIFs Every Florida Gator Can Relate To

It's great to be a Florida gator, even Ariana Grande knows it. We've put together 8 Ariana Grande GIFs every UF student can relate to.

While it’s great to be a Florida Gator, there are times in our collegiate career that only a GIF can describe. And who other than summer’s biggest popstar, Ariana Grande, to describe moments every Gator has felt during their four years (fun fact: her BFF Alexa Luria is a UF alumna!) Ariana isn’t shy when it comes to speaking her mind – here are 8 Ariana Grande GIFS to prove it.

1.) When your parents leave after helping you move in to your Summer B dorm.

Ah, yes. After you’ve waved your tearful goodbye and walk back into your cemented, decades-old room, an adrenaline rush takes over. The world is your oyster (at the very least, Gainesvile is). Want to stay up until 6 AM Netflixing Gossip Girl with your roommate? No problem. Want to skip your afternoon lecture? (sidenote: we don’t advise this) Go for it. Your newfound independence is worth embracing. Be responsible, but don’t take your four years for granted!

2.) Strolling into P.O.D. Market to use your untouched Flexbucks.

Financial management starts early, beginning with FlexBucks. P.O.D. Market is a dangerous place, providing an endless amount of snacks and drinks perfect for mid-day cravings. Get the most out of your meal plan, and skip the convenience store or Publix. Your study session will thank you.


3.) When you pull three consecutive all-nighters for your final, leave the exam room feeling on top of the world, and still don’t pass.

We’re looking at you, Financial Accounting (and Physics 2, while we’re at it). Just remember: tests don’t define what you’re capable of bringing to your career field. Re-structure your mental approach and study habits. If you have to re-take a class, don’t sweat it. Take it as a learning experience . After all, you learn more from your failures than you do success.

4.) When you see the extra credit come through right before grades are due, allowing you to pass.

When in doubt: DO THE EXTRA CREDIT. Submit those teacher evaluations and random assignments. You may not feel like doing them in the moment, but your GPA will thank you. Extra credit brought you over the edge? Congrats, you’ve passed. You deserve a Fat’s slushie and some Pokey Stix.

5.) When you’re over the week and visit your favorite bar.

One vodka sprite after another and suddenly, you’re considering dropping out to become a backup dancer. But don’t separate yourself from your friends, and never leave your drink unoccupied. Look out for yourself. If possible, track each other’s locations, and use the buddy system.

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6.) When you run home to the house you fell in love with the moment you walked in!

Whatever Greek council you’ve chosen to run home to, congrats! Bid day is an exciting day filled with smiling faces and sisters/brothers all thrilled to get to know one another. Take the opportunity to talk to and get to know as many of your fellow chapter members as possible, and make the best of it!

7.) Going out for the third time in a week.

You beg, plead and say no. But the power of Ariana Grande’s persuasion wears you down, and your friends have convinced you to go out for the THIRD time in a week (thanks, FOMO). You may feel exhausted, but looking back at the memories later on will have you feeling grateful that you gave in.


8.) Staring at your checking account, waiting for your tuition refund to hit.

You’ve got less than twenty dollars to your name, and all you want is an order of Chick Fil A. Patience pays off. You’ll soon have enough for all of the nuggets you can possibly imagine.

Which Ariana Grande GIFs are the most relatable? Let us know in the comments!

Featured Image: weheartit