The Best Amazon College Essentials That’ll Get You Ready For Fall

It may sound ominous, but the first day of classes are just around the corner. There are plenty of lists to follow and stores telling you what you need and it can be overwhelming. Before you know it, you have three shower caps and 80 highlighters. There are some good lists, however, and we’ve put together a little one here. For those Amazon shoppers out there, here are some Amazon college essentials to get yourself ready for Fall 2018.
1) A Mini Fridge
For those staying in dorms this year, get the perfect mini fridge to keep your essentials cold. Some dorms come with a fridge of their own, so make sure you ask the college if they provide one. If not, get this puppy and come prepared. You don’t want to live out of the vending machine longer than you should.
2) Some Closet Organizing Pieces
Once again, for the dormers out there, you will have to perfect your clothing organization skills. The closets aren’t always a generous size, so getting some organizational tools will help you to get a little creative when it comes to storing your pieces. This is one of the most helpful Amazon college essentials.
3) A Coffee Maker
Your ultimate saving grace will not only be the flashcards you stayed up all night making, but the coffee that will revive you the next morning. Make sure you found a single cup coffee maker nestled somewhere nearby, it will be your best friend during those years. This is one of the most necessary Amazon college essentials.
4) The Perfect Planner
In one semester, there will be so many dates to remember it will make your head spin. Having a trusty planner with you at all times will be like having your own little savior in your backpack. It will be filled with due dates, test dates, reminders to do your laundry, pretty much everything going on in your life.
5) The Essential Back to School Supplies
This may sound odd, but the right kind of pens can make us so excited to take notes. The colorful ball point pens, the cutest pencil cases, all the right supplies will make us so ready to take our seat in class and write down everything. It is a simple form of motivation that has helped me once or twice.
6) The Perfect Study Supplies
We all have our own way of studying. Some like to sit in complete silence and pour over books and create a precise study sheet. Others like to play classical music and mark appropriate flashcards with the most important information. Having the right supplies to do so helps to create a more productive study environment, so shop accordingly.
7) Food
Finding the right time to eat isn’t always easy. You’re on the go and sometimes you opt for junk food because it is easier and you don’t have time to fix anything. Having easily accessible healthy foods isn’t too difficult if you know where to go and do a little shopping ahead of time. This is one of the much needed Amazon college essentials.
8) Some Helpful Reading
Embarking on your first year of college can be incredibly intimidating. You don’t quite know the intricacies of the social scene, how to find your way through the book store, getting to know your roommate and anything in between, and we have all been in that state of slight fear and confusion. There are some books that are quite helpful while navigating those quizzical first few weeks.
9) All the Proper Toiletries
It happens all the time, we don’t realize we have forgotten something important, toiletry wise, until it is too late. While packing your things, make sure you have all the essentials, tampons, Q-tips, cotton balls, everything. You don’t want to find out the hard way.
10) The Proper Decor
One of the most important things to plan if you are staying in a dorm your first year is to buy the right decor to make it feel a little more like home. It won’t feel the same, of course, but it may be one of your first homes on you own. So, buy a few posters, fairy lights, a cute lamp, and make your space your own and feel like home.
Which of these Amazon college essentials are you going to buy? Let us know in the comments.
*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.