
Everclear is illegal in numerous states for a reason. Affordable and disgusting, it's a college favorite. These 10 GIFs describe an Everclear experience!
10 GIFs That Accurately Describes What It’s Like To Drink Everclear

Unless you live under a rock, you’ve probably heard about Everclear. Coming in at 95%…

You will meet more people during your first few weeks than you believed was possible. Check out the top 10 people you meet the first week of college.
10 Types Of People You Meet The First Week Of College

There are numerous emotions flying around during the first week of college. You’re wondering which…

Your friends convinced you that a fake ID is totally worth it. Here are 15 gifs represented by Beyonce that describe what using your fake ID is like.
18 Gifs That Describe What Using Your Fake ID Is Like Told By Beyonce

Being a teenager can be a tough time, but being 20 is probably the worst…

From a romantic night out to the morning after, we have the rundown on the best restaurants in San Francisco to impress your new college sweetheart!
10 Restaurants In San Francisco That Are Perfect For A Fun First Date

In a city as known for it’s food and culture as for its tech savvy…

With summer just around the corner, here are a few extraordinary rooftop bars in NYC to check out during these few months.
10 Rooftop Bars In NYC To Visit This Summer

With summer around the corner, New York City’s finest rooftop bars will finally open up…

The drink you order can determine the night you will have. These are the best drinks to order when going out in Tallahassee that'll guarantee a good night!
The 10 Best Drinks To Order When Going Out In Tallahassee

There are many places to drink in Tallahassee, and therefore many drinks to try. This…

If you're not of legal drinking age yet, chances are, you have a fake ID. If you're not 21 yet, these signs will prove you've had a fake ID for too long.
21 Signs You’ve Had A Fake ID For Too Long (And Need To Turn 21 Already)

For most college students, alcohol plays a large role in the college experience.  The issue is, the most…

The 20 Most Relatable Drunk Texts

Did you drink a bit too much and maybe send a regrettable text? Don’t worry, anyone who has…

How To Throw The Perfect Darty In Boston

Happy Darty (day party) Season! It’s not that hard to throw a good darty, but…

What I Learned My First Time Getting Drunk

Like most people, I could say that the first time I got drunk I don’t…