After College

Graduating from university comes with a lot of trials and challenges for young adults. Here are some of the things to remember after graduation!
7 Things To Keep In Mind After Graduating From University

University life is great but all students dream of the day when they will be…

After graduation can be a tough time to be a young adult. It's okay to have no idea what you're doing, and here's the reasons why.
How To Survive The Post-Grad Blues

Graduating from college should be the happiest time of your life. However, for some, it…

These are the signs you've chosen the wrong degree and how to deal with you coming to that conclusion. Check out these signs if you're feeling this way!
10 Signs You’ve Chosen The Wrong Degree To Study

Choosing the right university degree can be quite tough, especially when you’re constantly pressured to…

After university is such a lifestyle change, and many don't realize that finding a job of your dreams isn't easy. Here's why a plan B is needed.
Why A Plan B Is Much Needed After University!

After university, we all have the same fantasy of how we want our lives to…

Post grad sucks. There's no way of getting around it. That's just how it is. Let me tell you why life after college totally blows.
I’ll Tell You The Truth: Post Grad Sucks

Graduating from college is an amazing accomplishment and milestone. We’re all happy after overcoming sleepless…

These tips for job hunting will guarantee you success finding a job after you graduate from college! We've listed everything from job fairs to job boards!
Tips For Job Hunting After College

You did it! You’ve graduated college. You are ready to take on the world. The…

A college senior has a lot of things to focus on between graduation, finding a job or internship, and still finishing school. Here are some tips to help!
Survival Tips For The College Senior

Every college senior is excited about the final year of long sleepless nights, endless procrastinating,…

Saving money in college is not a difficult task. Discover ways how you can budget and save money now!
Why Millennials Need To Start Saving Money

Millennials are often stereotyped as the spending careless generation. As a millennial, I don’t relate…

Being a new graduate is filled with a whirlwind of emotions. We think we've captured all the stages of waht it means to be a new grad!
The 7 Stages Of A New Graduate

Newly graduating is both a cause for celebration and time of distress. You have just…

Why is networking important you ask? Well, there are many reasons to make connections and millions of places those connections can lead.
Why Is Networking Important? Here’s What To Know

In today’s job market, it is not just what you know, it is who you…