After College

10 Things I Will Miss About Ohio State University This Summer

10 Things I Will Miss About Ohio State University This Summer

Spring Break has just ended for me, and while I spent an entire week of relaxing and not stressing over…

10 months ago

10 Tips to Live an Independent Life, Frugally

1. Live with your parents as long as they will let you. This may sound quite the opposite of living…

10 months ago

How to Get a Job With No Experience

Jumping out of college and into the real world can be an exciting time – that is, until you realize…

1 year ago

5 Reasons Why You Should Have a LinkedIn Profile

College is much more than academics; it’s a place to network and meet people. Many people you will come across…

1 year ago

20 Adorable Kitchen Items You Need Right Now

If you're anything like me, you spend a good chunk of your life in the kitchen. Whether slaving away over…

1 year ago

How to Achieve Your Dreams

Do you ever think about who you want to be? What you want to do? And why? I ask you…

1 year ago

How to Clean Up Your Online Reputation

Tonight is the biggest party of the year and you want to document every minute of it. You want to…

1 year ago

6 Tips to Build Your Social Media Presence

We all love social media, or at least we use it to some degree. Whether you’re posting selfies every hour or you…

1 year ago

Tips For Using Anti-Aging Products In Your 20s

You’re walking down the skin care aisle and all of a sudden you start to feel a little overwhelmed. You…

1 year ago

Tips for Furnishing your First Apartment

Whether it's a house off-campus for your senior year or your first place after college, moving into a new place…

1 year ago