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3 Stages of Missing Your Sorority Sisters Over the Summer

3 Stages of Missing Your Sorority Sisters Over the Summer

Whether we want to admit it or not, all sorority girls have had to face the harsh reality that we will be feeling severe separation anxiety as we part ways and return home for the summer break. Although we know it will, “only be 3 months,” social media and old pictures don’t make this any easier on us. We went from eating every meal together, “working out” at the gym together and even finishing each others’ sentences, to now communicating miles apart.

Stage 1: Denial

Denial is the word we tend to use as the end of the school year quickly approaches. The end of the spring semester doesn’t only mean the end of finals, but the end of a year filled with beautiful sorority memories. As we sit on our plane rides home and scroll through our camera roll, we’re in complete denial that we will be separated from our obligatory picture mates, best friends and above all, sisters.


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Stage 2: Jealousy

Snapchat and Instagram can be a blessing and a curse over the summer. It reminds you how much you miss them and shows how happy your sisters are to be home, but it can also bring out the little green monster. It all starts with the first picture we see of our sisters with their other “friends” from home. Our initial reaction usually consists of, “Oh so she has other best friends?,” but after multiple Snapchat stories and Instagram posts, we learn to love our sisters’ best friends as if they were our own, considering the fact that we stalked all of their social media profiles.

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Stage 3: Anticipation

As the beach days begin to become numbered and we’ve binge watched almost every show imaginable on Netflix, we begin to grow more than excited to return back to not only New York City, but also SJU! St. John’s has so many events to look forward to, not only as a member of Greek life, but in general! Although saying goodbye to our families at home is tough, we anticipate being reunited with the girls who make our home away from home.

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