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10 Places To Cry During Finals At TCNJ

10 Places To Cry During Finals At TCNJ

Finals have come around and at this point, there just aren’t enough hours in the day. When the going gets tough, check out my 10 favorite places to cry on the TCNJ campus.

1. Top Of The Parking Garages

Hardly anyone goes here, and there’s minimal litter.

2. By The Lake

The beautiful views of Lake Ceva and Selva provide cover for my ugly crying face.


3. Construction Zones

When construction isn’t happening, the crying is. Just be safe in the hard-hat areas!

4. The Sports Fields

When practice and games aren’t happening, they’re more deserted than the library during syllabus week.

5. The Labs During Office Hours

If you have the code, your lab can become your own personal outlet of waterworks.


6. The Forcina Lounge

The interior itself could make you cry, plus it’s always deserted.

7. Basement Of The Library

It’s quiet and underground with no cell signal. You could get both your work and your crying done in one place!

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8. The Music Building Practice Rooms

The noise can cover your cries and screams.

9. The Bathrooms Next To Tdubs

They’re secluded, private, and no one can find them anyway.

10. During Class

Sure, people will see, but your professor might feel bad for you and even help you out. At this point, its probably worth a shot.


Have any other places to cry during finals at TCNJ? Comment below!

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