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N26: The Must-Have Money Management App For Students

N26: The Must-Have Money Management App For Students

Ever feel lost when it comes to saving money? I do, and I’ve always wondered why money management isn’t an elective because honestly, it’s 100% a class I would take. I even asked my friends and none of their schools offered any class like this either–huge fail. To make sure I figured it all out, I did some research and eventually found N26, it’s a mobile banking app. Below are the reasons why I love it and why I’m recommending it to my friends.

Oh, and did I mention N26 is giving away $5,000 to one lucky college student? Yup! Keep reading to find out how.

What is N26?

N26 is a mobile banking app that helps students manage their money efficiently, it’s completely transparent. It will change the way every student could save and spend. Besides a checking account, you can also send and receive money from your friends instantly and pay bills all from your phone. There are zero hidden fees and no ATM withdrawal fees worldwide. The app also personalizes your goals, shows your spending statistics, and has perks and discounts on subscription services like Tidal and Aaptiv, to name a few.


Why Should I Care?

Budgeting, bills, fees…these are real and can get confusing pretty quickly. For starters, N26 doesn’t charge any fees to start or maintain your account, a bonus since most students don’t have a ton of money right now. Next, I have an on-campus job and have been trying to figure out a way to make the most of my paycheck. One cool thing with N26 is that it can actually get my paycheck up to two days earlier when I set up my direct deposit! Early payday has helped me keep up with expenses which then helps me to go out on the weekends without worrying. My biggest takeaway has been that it is really possible to spend smartly and, at the same time, get out with my friends. It’s changed my perception of money and made the process much easier.


What Makes N26 Different From Every Other Banking App?

N26 changed the way I can send and transfer money too. No more waiting until Tuesday for a Venmo transfer I sent out last Friday, it’s all instant with no additional fees. In the app, this money transfer feature is called MoneyBeam.

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Set Goals & Plan For Future Transactions

Whenever I’m saving up for a trip or putting money aside for stuff down the road, it’s hard to actually follow through and not spend it. One great way to really stick to that plan is the Spaces feature. You can set up specific “spaces” for things you want to save for and drop money into those parts of your account. You just drag and drop the money, keeping it separated from your main checking account. It’s given me peace of mind because I have serious travel plans (Ireland/Spain!) and want to make sure all those trips are amazing.

So How Can You Win $5,000?

It’s simple, it literally takes less than a minute to register. The website with the entry form is here, just follow the steps to enter to win. There are NO catches here, just fill out the form and you’re entered!


If you’re looking for other ways to earn some money you may also want to consider becoming one of N26’s campus ambassadors. You can find more information about that program, here.

Have more questions about N26 and how you can get involved as a student? Head to their site here for additional information and frequently asked questions!