Ohio University

6 Reasons Why Pokémon Go Is Actually A Really Good Thing


Even if you’ve been living under a rock the past couple weeks, there’s a small…

10 Things To Do Before Ohio University Move In day


Starting college is a bit like entering a new life. Before you head off to Ohio…

The Freshman Guide to Living on the OU Campus

Take it from me, the conductor of the “Hot Mess Express” herself, freshman year is…

10 Tips For Moving Into Your Dorm


After all the planning, shopping, and packing, the anticipated day finally arrives. You’ll pack up…

10 Signs You’re From Ohio

“First of all, my parents live in Ohio. I live in the moment,” said Ted…

20 Tips For Every Ohio University Freshman

20 Tips For Every Ohio University Freshman

So you attended orientation; it was fun, but now you know that 8AM class will be…