Categories: Home Decor

7 Crafts With Beads You Can Decorate With

Arts and crafts are a really good way to spend the free time you have. It’s also a good way to relax when you had a tough day or you just want to do some crafts. They’re a lot of fun, and they can make really nice decorations, depending on what you make.

The crafts with beads are the best for decorating your room or house. It’s also easy to make the beaded crafts, and you can use any type of bead to make most of the crafts. You can find those at any craft store and other stores like Target and Walmart. Enjoy these beaded arts and crafts, and don’t forget to decorate your house with them!

1. Beaded Wind Chime

Wind chimes are really fun to make, and they sound pretty when the wind is blowing. These wind chimes are made with a plastic bottle and some beads. So get your supplies ready and make these crafts with beads!


Energy drink bottle

Acrylic paint

Outdoor craft sealer


Yarn, twine, or fishing line

Pony beads

Cut up colorful straws

Large plastic buttons

Metal key ring

Hole punch


1. Cut off the tapered, top part of the plastic bottle. Paint the bottle however you want. When the paint dries, punch 4 evenly spaced holes on the open end of the bottle. Go over the outside of the bottle with the craft sealer.

2. Next make the chimes. There will be four outer chimes and one inner one. The outer chimes will use beads and will have a large button on the bottom for the weight. The inner chime will be made with straws. 

3. The middle chime needs to go through the bottom of the bottle, so you need to make a hole. You can do this while twisting a screwdriver, you can drill a hole or you can use a skewer to poke a hole through.

4. Before you put the chime through the hole, you need to make a couple of knots on top of each other, making the knot big enough to stop the string from going through the hole. And then you need to knot the string on top of the bottle, too. This knot is where you attach the keyring to hang it outside.

2. Perler Bead Buttons

Perler beads are a lot of fun to play with. You iron them together so they stay. You can make anything with them, and it’s really cool. Grab your iron and let’s make some crafts with beads!


Circles pegboard

Perler beads in your favorite color

Needle and thread


1. Put a bead in the middle of the circular pegboard. Put another circle around it. Then out a third circle around that. Put wax paper over the top of it and then iron the beads together.

2. The next step is to sew it to a sweater or whatever you want. You’ll have to make the sweater hole bigger, though, because the Perler beads will be bigger than the original button was.

3. This cannot go in the washing machine or the dryer, so wash it by hand and let it air dry. Have fun making this.

3. Bead and Pipe Cleaner Snakes

Pipe cleaner crafts are so much fun to make. It’s easy to make them, too, because the beads fit nicely on the pipe cleaners. Go grab the pipe cleaners and beads and make these crafts with beads!


Different colored pipe cleaners

Red pipe cleaners

Pony beads

Googly eyes

Hot glue gun


1. Bend the end of the pipe cleaner to prevent the beads from falling off. Then string the beads on in whatever order you want. The last six beads on the pipe cleaner should be the same color because you fold the end back to make the head. 

2. Cut the red pipe cleaner into small pieces. Fold a piece to make a thick tongue. Use the hot glue gun to the bottom of the head. Glue the eyes to the top of the head and then twist the snake’s body into an ‘s’ shape.

4. Beaded Garden Spider

This spider can be a scary Halloween decoration, or you can just put it in your garden for the fun of it. Grab your wire and beads and make these crafts with beads with me and have fun!


Round nose pliers

20 gauge jewelry wire

56 4-mm black beads

48-#5 black beads

16-6mm red beads

1-25mm red bead

1-12mm black bead

2 small metal bead caps

2 large metal bead caps

1 3-inch headpin


1. Making sure that the wire will fit through the beads that you will be using, cut fur pieces of wire about 10-12 in length each.

2. At one end of each wire, you will need to make a small loop. This will make it so the beads don’t fall off the end of the wire. To do this, pinch the very end of the wire with the round nose pliers and wrap the wire around to make a small circle.

3. With each wire strand, you will want to repeat this pattern:

1, 4mm black bead – 2, #5 black glass beads – 1, 4mm black bead – 1, 6mm red bead – 1, 4mm black bead – 2, #5 black glass beads – 1, 4mm black bead – 1, 6mm red bead – 1, 4mm black bead – 2, #5 black glass beads – 2, 4mm black bead

This is going to be the legs of the spider. String the beads all the way so they are tight against the loop you made in the wire.

4. After all four wires are strung with the same bead pattern, make sure the legs are even and clasped tightly with the round nose pliers. Hold tight with the pliers and do a twisting motion with the legs to get a nice tight twist.

5. Next comes the body of the spider. To make the head of the spider, put the headpin through 1 small bead cap – 12mm black bead – 1 small bead cap. Poke the headpin in between the wires that were already twisted for the legs.

6. Hold the four leg wires a little bit further down the wires and twist again. Add the large bead cap – 1-inch red bead – large bead cap – 1, 4mm black bead to the end of the headpin for the body of the spider. And wire wrap a loop to keep it secure and together.

7. Using the same pattern from before, string the beads onto the wire for the other four legs. When all beads are on, push them as tightly to the body of the spider as you can and do another wire loop and trim off the excess wire. 

8. Gently bend the wires at the first joint closest to the body to make it look like he is standing. Have fun!

5. Pearl Beads and Burlap Napkin Rings

These are really nice when you have a party you’re getting ready for and you want to have place settings for it. Grab some burlap, pearl beads, and some wire and make these crafts with beads!


2-inch natural jute ribbon with serged edges

1 1/2-inch colored burlap ribbon with frayed edges

See Also

Pastel-colored pearl beads to coordinate, or any 8mm size beads

24 gauge wire in gold to blend in with the burlap

Wire cutters



1. Measure your burlap. Depending on how big you want your rings, they should be 3-6 inches. Connect the two ends of the burlap. Cut a piece of wire, about 9 inches long. Insert the wire into the burlap, a few rows in. Wind the wire around the edge of the two layers a few times.

2. Begin sewing the beads into the burlap, using a loose in and out stitch. Come back through the underside of the burlap toward the top, and stitch on your first bead. Insert the wire back into the burlap, and come back up 1/2 an inch to an inch later.

3. Continue for the entire length of the napkin ring. Now we close the ring. Bring the wire from the underside of the last bead, back to the first stitch you made securing the two burlap ribbons together. Make a few stitches binding the two sides.

4. Bring your wire to the edge and start sewing down the side of your burlap ribbon, sealing the two ends together. Trim the overlap, if there is any. Insert napkins and entertain with pride!

6. Beaded Linen Twine Bookmark

Everyone could use a bookmark, and making your own is always more fun than just using a piece of paper. So grab your twine and beads and join me in making these crafts with beads for your books.


Beads of various shapes, sizes, and textures – it doesn’t really matter because there is no specific pattern

Two focal points, either beads or charms

Waxen Linen Twine

Two crimp beads and jewelry pliers



1. Cut a length of waxed linen about 15 inches long. Depending on how many beads you want to add, it might need to be longer or shorter.

2. Tie an overhand knot in the twine about 3 inches from the end. If you are planning on adding a charm, add a few beads to your twine and then add a crimp bead.

3. Thread the charm on, and feed the end of the twine back through the crimp bead to secure the charm. Crimp it closed with your pliers, and trim off the end.

4. If you are planning to use a focal bead, begin the same way. Allow about a 9-inch section in the center to go in your book. That should be enough for a hardcover book.

5. Tie a knot 3-4 inches from the other end of the strand, and thread a couple of beads. Add a crimp bead. Below the crimp bead, you will thread a few more small beads on, and then your focal bead. 

6. Add the remaining small beads, then thread the tail end of the twine back through the crimp bead, and tighten it up. Crimp it closed with your jewelry pliers and trim off the excess.

7. Put the bookmark in your book and enjoy it!

7. Pony Bead Fish

Anything with pony beads or pipe cleaners is going to be a good project. And these fish are easy to hang up anywhere you can. Grab some more pipe cleaners and pony beads, we’re making some more crafts with beads!


Pipe cleaners

24 pony beads for each pipe cleaner


1. Place the 24 beads on a pipe cleaner. Fold the pipe cleaner in half to make the fish shape. Twist the ends together right above where the beads end. 

2. Bend the ends to make the fishtail. Twist them around each other to secure them in place. Have fun!

I have probably left out some cool crafts, so feel free to mention them in the comments below. I’ll check them out.

Featured Image Source:
Megan Abruzzese

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