5 Reasons You Should Live in a Sorority House

As a junior in college, I have lived in dorms on campus and even spent one semester in an apartment in Florence, Italy. I never imagined I would live in a house with 31 girls, and I definitely did not imagine it to change my life. At first it sounds insane and stressful, but I can come out of this year with the experience of a lifetime, countless memories, and most importantly– best friends. Here are 5 reasons living in your sorority house can be the best time of your life.
1. There is always something to do.
No matter what, living with so many girls in one house gives you countless things to do. Whether it’s lounging on the couch watching movies or getting ready for a night out, there’s always something you can find to do in the house. Nothing is off limits– we’ve even given mattress sliding down the stairs a try!
2. There is always someone to hangout with.
Even if it seems like no ones awake or around, I guarantee there is someone waiting to adventure or hangout. Living with so many people makes it hard to get lonely. Don’t want to go get slushies by yourself? Walk through the living room and at least five people will want to tag along. Though if you’re not in the mood to hangout with anyone, girls understand that. Just go to your room, put some headphones in, and spend some alone time with yourself.
3. You can constantly create new friendships.
When you sign up to live in your sorority house, whether you’re required to or not, you automatically have a new family. Even if you may not get along with everyone you’re living with, you’re still going to have new friendships with girls you never knew you’d get close to. You also never know if your suite mates will become your best friends (I know mine have).
4. You will have constant support.
Having all these new friendships leads to constant support. No matter what you decide to do during the school year with organizations, internships, or classes, you’re going to have a huge support system behind you to help out, no matter what.
5. You will always know what’s going on.
Living in your sorority house gives you an automatic inside to whatever is going on. You know everything as it’s happening and are constantly up-to-date on the latest drama.
Whatever you do and wherever you go in life, your experiences are what you make them. If you don’t think you can live with so many females under one roof just remember everything you’re gaining from the experience. I can now say that if I can survive living in a house with 31 girls for eight months, I can do anything.
What are some other reasons that you should live in a sorority house? Comment below and share this article with friends!
Featured Image Source: , getintoasorority.com
Breanna Ganuelas is a junior Communication Studies major with two minors in Public Relations and Public Communication. When she isn't doing classwork she is hanging out with her Delta Gamma sisters and staying active in various on- and off-campus activities. Outside of Kent State, Bre loves traveling, reading, laughing, adventuring, working out, volunteering, and just goofing off.