Sometimes after a stressful day or year, we just want to let go and do some retail therapy and that is more than okay, we all deserve it. Some of the designer bags that are worth everything to add to your handbag collection range from the trendiest looks to a classic throwback into the 1900s that will have all your friends asking where you got it. Not only have some of these designer bags been recognized by the world but female to male celebrities have been spotted accessorizing their outfits with these luxurious goods.
You can never go wrong with a classic Chanel purse as they carry prestige and quality, you are sure to receive many compliments on how your handbag is. We have also seen that they are very rich in history due to Coco Chanel being the founder of the brand during a very interesting time period of her life. Ms. Chanel, experiencing many heartaches and difficulties growing up she decided that she pursued a completely different lifestyle that led her to open up her millinery business in Paris in 1910. As she began her business on Rue Cambron, Paris the first thing she was selling were hats and later after adding 2 more locations throughout the town she took on the role of creating clothing. Some goods that Ms.Chanel created are full of hidden features such as some of her purses revolving around the time she was having a torrid affair led her to add a secret compartment where she hid the love letters she had written and exchanged.
Designed in 1950 by Gucci, this was the beginning of the Jackie 1961 Hobo Bag. It was not until the ’70s when first lady Jackie Kennedy was spotted with the designer bag that would soon become her style and the name of the good. Using the purse to cover up from paparazzi is when images of someone with an elite name was seen carrying such an iconic designer bag that has made history in the fashion world to the point it had to be recreated in the present day. Jackie Kennedy is not the only one who decided to be out and about with such a staple. We recently got a glimpse of famous musician, Harry Styles from the ultimate boy band One Direction with the Gucci handbag out in Italy. Harry Styles has been spotted on multiple occasions while running around the EU with the designer bag making sure paparazzi catches him in the limelight while he is out and enjoying himself. If you are wondering how much a designer bag like this could run you, you are looking at a price tag of $2,300.00 on the Gucci website for the small.
Celebrities are not the only ones who want to get in on all the fun of the early 2000s as we have all seen the Prada Nylon appear on our feeds. The original creation of the Prada Nylon goes back to 2005 when it first made its debut but since then it has been dominant until recently. As all the trends of the early 2000s began to arise so did Prada’s collection. Recently they have decided some time to recreate the Nylon and give the people what they have been craving. We have seen Kylie Jenner and many other celebrities with high statuses enjoying themselves with such a designer bag that makes you look young and feel like you are on top of the world. The most current and up-to-date Prada Re-Edition 2005 luxury handbag can run you at $1,350.00 for one size on
We all love little things that are cute but this designer bag has a big price tag. Jacquemes decided to take a spin on things and create the most fashionable little purse to have ever existed. Seen social media platforms and runways the debut of the little designer bag changed the fashion industry for some time making everyone obsessed with little bags. We have seen several big names from supermodel Kendall Jenner to ex Disney star Bella Throne have all gotten in on the excitement of this little designer bag. Big enough for a lipstick and your credit card will cost you starting at least $500.00 depending on where you get it but everyone will be staring and complimenting on how you managed to snag one of these fashion pieces and question what you manage to fit in it.
Out of all the designer bags, the Balenciaga Croc Hourglass has to be my favorite purse of all time. Released this year, the bag has had an impact so big that model and Justin Bieber’s wife, Hailey Bieber, has been spotted rocking the designer bag that many would die for. Its unique shape is like no other and can not and will not be copied by other luxury brands because Balenciaga has been the first to take on this creative role and provide something so beautiful only they are able to continue producing. The handbag ranges in 3 sizes and no they are not small, medium and large. The sizes include Nano which costs you $890.00, the XS will cost you $1,890.00, and lastly, the Small comes in at $2,150.00. Many will argue that no bag is worth that much but a designer bag handmade out with crocodile skin imported from Italy is very much worth it for those who are aware of the quality that comes from.
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