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20 Tips For UCF Freshmen

20 Tips For UCF Freshmen

20 Tips For UCF Freshmen

As you enter your freshman year of college, it can be exciting and terrifying. You want to make the best impression possible and make this year one of the bests yet. Without further adieu, here are twenty tips for any UCF freshmen!


1. Make friends!

If you’re anything like me, as a UCF freshmen, it may seem hard to find friends. But, it’s easier than you think. Begin by starting a conversation with your classmates! This might come in handy when you have an  upcoming exam. Study buddies!

2. Do your research.

Be sure to look up all of your professors on so you won’t get stuck with a terrible class for 15 weeks.


3. Visit your academic adviser.

Make sure you stay on top of things and book appointments with your adviser early on! Becoming close with your adviser may come in handy one day, like when the class you desperately want to take is full.

4. Hungry?

If you want a variety of cheap snacks visit the Health Center. It’s like a mini Publix!


5. Hate your I.D. picture?

“Lose it” and get a new one for $15, (if it’s that important to you)…


6. Attend all the welcome week activities.

It allows you to make friends and get involved on campus!


7. Go to the gym.

Not only is going to the gym a great stress reliever, but it also leads to a more positive attitude. It’s beautiful and you’re paying for it anyway!


8. Visit Career Services!

For all things job related, this is the place to be. They do mock job interviews and resume critiques to name a few things.

9. Low on printing?

SGA Printing Lab (Student Union), All Knight Study at Ferrell Commons, and All Knight Study at Knights Plaza offer free printing (100 sheet max per week). You’re welcome.

10. Need help with a paper?

Take it over to the University Writing Center in Coulbourn Hall. They will read it over for you and make some suggestions on what needs to change in order to get the grade you want!


11. Try to stay away from a meal plan.

Meal plans are just too expensive for the food not to taste like it came from a five star restaurant.

12. Do a practice-run before classes start.

Grab a group of friends and search for your classes before the first day. The campus is huge, so it’s very easy to get lost. It is always better to be prepared. Besides, who wants to be that freshmen asking strangers about where a class is?



13. Avoid looking like a freshmen.

Don’t wear your lanyard around your neck unless you want to make it known that you’re a freshman.

See Also

14. Don’t eat out everyday.

Although it can be tempting, the “Freshman 15” is no joke. It happens and it happens very fast.



15. Join clubs!

You’ll make new friends, get the chance to get out of your room, and it’s something extra to add to your resume.

16. Watch your step!

If you want to graduate, please dear freshmen, do not step on the Pegasus in the Student Union. For those who make this mistake, not graduating is their fate.

17. Use S.E.P.S.

It’s like Uber for UCF students! From 7pm-1am they will take you anywhere you want to go on campus.


18. Please read your course syllabus.

In highschool your syllabi weren’t important but in college they’re like the bible. They list all test dates and assignment due dates. Not all professors will remind you about upcoming assignments.

19. Check your Knights email account everyday!

Your professor will send out important announcements through here.

20. Have fun!

The most important tip for any UCF freshmen. No year is like your freshman year of college, so enjoy every minute of it! You will always remember this year.



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