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20 Reasons Providence College Is The Greatest School On Earth

I truly believe that Providence College is the greatest place on Earth. PC has something to offer to everyone. It may be cheesy, but we truly are a Friar family. Once a Friar, always a Friar. From the Howley to Al-Mag, PC is a magical wonderland that I am #blessed to call home.

1. Accessibility

Everything around here is within walking distance.

2. Friar Bucks

This is the money built into your meal plan that you can spend at several locations on campus, including Ruane Café (see #12). You can have $140, $190, $210, or $240 per semester, and they carry over between semesters (not between years though). They are truly a lifesaver when you can’t deal with Ray’s food that day.

3. The Foliage

The foliage at Providence College is definitely something to stop and enjoy (or take an Instagram of)!

4. Harkins Hall

5. Ruane Center For The Humanities

This is the home of Civ and the Liberal Arts Honors Program. Ruane Café is located here, and there is a hall to study in with a fire place, plus a connector to the library for those cold and rainy days when you just can’t do the outside.

6. Slavin Lawn

Slavin Lawn is the place to be when it’s a beautiful day. Pack a blanket, some music, maybe some homework, and your friends, and head on down to the packed lawn to chill in the sun. It’s close to Dunkin Donuts and Alumni Hall, so you can grab food or drinks if your heart desires.
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7. Alumni Hall

Take three is one of God’s true graces on earth. It’s a chance to get something other than Ray food during the week, for lunch or dinner (or both). Its like a food court; there’s a burger place, a quesadilla place, wings and grilled cheese, a sandwich shop, pizza and pasta, and now, smoothies! There is also a salad bar and desserts galore!

8. Chicken Nugget Thursday

Every Thursday, without fail, PC offers curly fries and chicken nuggets (and if you’re a vegan or vegetarian, they have vegan nuggets, which are actually very tasty). The line usually spans across the dining hall, and even though there are veggies offered, no one ever gets them. It may be the same thing every week, but there’s something about these nuggets that keep reeling people back every Thursday.

9. Omelet Bar

Its true what they say: you don’t realize what you have until it’s gone. When Rhode Island suffered an “egg shortage” this year, Providence College was deprived of the omelet bar on weekends. But on February 5, the station in Ray was reopened for business, and everyone’s omelet cravings were satisfied weekend after weekend.

10. LaSalle Bakery

Going to La Salle is a rite of passage at Providence College, because it truly has the best iced coffee I’ve ever had, and both locations are within walking distance of PC.

11. Dunkin Donuts (And The Dunkin Cam)

Even though you have to spend real money, it’s worth it on a nice Saturday morning when you have homework up the wazoo. There’s a camera located on the PC app that shows you how long the Dunkin line is and more often than not, once you arrive, it has grown exponentially and you’re basically in the bookstore waiting for your iced coffee.

12. Ruane Café

There is nothing better than spending Friar Bucks at “fake Starbucks,” and getting a $2 bagel, a $2 coffee, and then running to class.

13. PC Prints

You wouldn’t assume you need $40 to print each semester, but it’s a close call at the end of the semester. You can download the software to your computer so that you can print to any printer on campus from your laptop, walk to the printer, swipe your ID, and print! It’s super easy and it’s a huge time saver when you’re running late for class.

14. Free Printing In The Catholic Center For Dominican Studies

When you have $3 left of PC prints and a 20 page research paper due in class, you rely on the free printing in the CCDS. It’s somewhat awkward to walk into the dead silent center and sit at the computer, but it’s so worth the embarrassment of loudly pulling the chair out and getting death glares from everyone in there.

See Also

15. Club Phil

From the group project rooms to the deep quiet zone, the library has a place for everyone. The hours are super accommodating, and during midterms and finals weeks, they’re open later (and sometimes even 24 hours). The librarians are super helpful and the printers save lives each day.

16. Guzman Hill Giving Us Great Calves

It’s the bane of every PC student’s existence, but it yields great results. You may huff and puff your way up, but by the end of the year, you can make it up without dying (and have toned legs to show off).

17. Dot, Fran, And All The Friendly Ray Workers

Fran knowing my name when I would come into Ray was the highlight of any day it happened. The Ray workers are the nicest bunch of people around, and they are always so adorable and sweet. They always say hello and can make even your worst days, just a little bit better.
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18. Alumni Connections

The Providence College family is super helpful, and the career center tries to connect students to alumni as often as possible. There are career fairs, major/minor expos, and the alumni job shadowing program. Connections in the real world are everything, and the Friar family hooks each other up.

19. Paid Psych Studies

Being paid to spend five minutes with a psych major is a super easy way to make some money. Usually the studies are simple to participate in, and it helps psych majors a lot.

20. Civ

We may all hate it, and it may kill our GPAs, but Civ is one of PC’s greatest strengths; and I, for one, am so grateful that I had to endure four whole semesters of art/history/literature/philosophy/theology/music/science/poetry all wrapped in one.

Have any other reasons Providence College is the greatest school on Earth? Comment below!

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Bailey Fielding

Bailey is a psychology major at Providence College and lives in Lenox, MA. She is hopelessly addicted to coffee and if you buy her an iced caramel with cream, she’ll love you forever!

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