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16 Times Gossip Girl Perfectly Summed Up College

16 Times Gossip Girl Perfectly Summed Up College

If you’re anything like me, the iconic phrase, “Good morning Upper East-Siders,” brings you back to a world in 2008 where you never missed an episode of Gossip Girl and Blair Waldorf was your idol. As we can all agree, Gossip Girl had its moments where it was downright un-relatable. I mean, having your billionaire boyfriend sell you for a hotel? Unlikely. However, what we can all agree on are the lessons this show taught us. When it comes to college, the non-judging breakfast club portrayed it on our televisions best. Here are 16 times Gossip Girl perfectly summed up what it’s like to be a college student.

1. When you go into an exam feeling confident, get your grade back, and see you failed.


2. When finals week hits and you turn into a zombie who lives at the library.


3. When you’ve had a long week and staying in watching Netflix all night sounds better than going out.


4. When you’re walking to an 8 AM class after a night out and wonder how everyone else on campus is functioning properly.


5. When no one understands how stressed you are.


6. When Plan A is to do well, but Plan B doesn’t sound too bad, either.


7. When you walk past cute couples on campus.


8. When you realize catty drama doesn’t affect you the same way it did in high school.


9. When you pull an all-nighter for an exam, but it turns into a 2 AM online shopping session.


10. When you feel obligated to talk to that one person who is way too happy and awake for an 8 AM class.


11. When someone’s bad mood starts to rub off on you.


12. When it’s the middle of the semester, you’re up to your nose in textbooks and flashcards, and you forget what it’s like to have a normal life.


13. When you’re sitting in class on the first day of a new semester and hear the professor read off all the deadlines on the syllabus.


14. When you realize you pay 30k a year to be stressed out of your mind.


15. When you read your peer reviews and they’re all positive.


16. When you realize you’re exactly where you need to be to build your future.

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Featured image source: , tvshowscouples.