Categories: Entertainment

15 Funny Memes To Get You Through This Week

A lot can happen in a week – there can be a handful of good experiences and bad experiences. Whatever you might experience this week, however, no harm could possibly be done by looking at a few funny memes. These funny memes are sure to brighten up your week! Some are relatable, some are niche, and some are just flat-out weird, but there is truly a meme for everyone on this list. So, keep scrolling and start laughing your heart out. 

1. Funny Memes #1 – The Squinting Mom

If your mom doesn’t make this face while looking at your phone when you go to show her something is she really even a mom? 

2. Funny Memes #2 – Boys Are Gonna Do What Boys Do

Ever walk with your guy friends and notice that whenever they pass a door frame they just have to jump up and tap the top almost like it’s a ritual, a game, or way to assert their dominance? No? Just me? 

3. Funny Memes #3 – The Ole 3 AM Decision

Personally, for me, it used to be Vine that kept me up until 3 AM in high-school, but now that I have grown up and matured, I am going to have to say it’s the anxiety for me. 

4. Funny Memes #4 – The Sad Truth About Sleep

Ever notice that sleepiness strikes at the most inconvenient times? You can watch as time ticks on by and not feel tired in the slightest but once the dawn comes, boom, you instantly fall asleep only to wake up 2 hours later feeling absolutely in the dumps about your sleeping schedule decisions. 

5. Funny Memes #5 – The Fragile State Of Hunger

When you are hungry and the server finally comes with your plate of food, it is practically game-on once your fork and knife are at hand and your food is set down in front of you. There is a sense of urgency that comes with one’s hunger that almost makes you almost frantic. You do not care if your food is hot and steaming and having difficulty cutting your steak can produce enough frustration that it could move you to tears. 

6. Funny Memes #6 – A Twist On Ellen

If Ellen is good at anything, it is giving you gifts, and what better gift could there be than this one? Besides, you know, like literally anything else. 

7. Funny Memes #7 – The Hardworking Lizard

This meme is very reminiscent of the stay-at-home mom. This lizard must really have it tough though. I imagine that it is very difficult grocery shopping for bugs being only a few inches tall and jobless, that is unless he is working his butt off like that gecko from Geico. 

8. Funny Memes #8 – The Hardworking Cat

The pain of waking up to another hard, grueling day…it is undeniably difficult, and the look on this cat’s face truly sums up the feeling I think we all have felt at least one time this past month, if not every day of the month.  

9. Funny Memes #9 – The Cheese Dilemma

I really did not realize that eating cheese in the middle of the night was that often. I always opt for a bowl of cereal, but hey! I might have to get on this snack train because maybe there is just something about eating cheese at 3 AM that makes it hit differently. 

10. Funny Memes #10 – No New Friends

Ah, yes. The battle between loneliness but not wanting to be social is an ongoing one. Do you choose to be bored and alone or do you choose to push yourself past your comfort zone and start getting to know someone new (which often starts with small talk)? It is really a toss-up but if you don’t mind me, I will be staying in the comfort of my home watching new Netflix shows until my heart’s content. 

See Also

11. Funny Memes #11 – That Low Feeling

If you ever get hit by a wave of random sadness and loneliness, you are not alone! In fact, it is so normal that it has been made a meme. I do not know if the fact that many people can relate to this is a good thing or a bad thing, but it is definitely comforting. 

12. Funny Memes #12 – The Waterbottle Boogeyman

This would be Exhibit A as to why people dislike the dark. In the dark, things can cast shadows, making harmless things look extra frightening. With that said, you could use that to your advantage and scare someone you know by creeping them out with a waterbottle shadow like the one shown below. 

13. Funny Memes #13 – Depresso

Coincidentally, this is the face I make right before I take my first sip of coffee. I think that this is a case of life imitates art. 

14. Funny Memes #14 – That Midnight Hunger

I can be feeling full and satisfied all day, but tell me why the moment I touch my head to my pillow suddenly I am filled with the hunger of 1000 Spartan men? It is unfair, and the food that I see on IG accounts, TikTok, Pinterest, and Twitter is no help in making the hunger go away. Food is so good and if I am not eating it, I am fantasizing about it. Pizza, candy, Chinese food, and Mexican food all sound equally delicious once the clock strikes 12 AM. 

15. Funny Memes #15 – Food Service Guidelines

I guess that means we should all be sticking to at-home meals? Or maybe you are willing to trust that the health and safety guidelines are strict and restaurant food is, in fact, low risk. Whatever you decide to do, maybe try taking the opinion of past/present restaurant workers into consideration. 

Hopefully, these funny memes were able to get a good laugh out of you or, at the very least, they were able to make you smile. Which of these 15 funny memes was your favorite? Let us know down in the comments below!

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Sara Bowers

Hello! My name is Sara Bowers and I am a Senior at Azusa Pacific University where I am double majoring in Allied Health and Honors Humanities and minoring in Psychology. As a young girl, I loved to write and English became my favorite subject very quickly. The sciences also intrigued me and I was often told to choose one path, but I did not want to sacrifice either of my passions. It turns out I didn't have to and thanks to the many novels read in my Humanities courses and the writing prompts I tackled alongside them, my love of writing was further affirmed and I grew more confident that I made the correct decision in pursuing both paths. I have a heart for helping people by any means necessary, so if that means helping someone with a physical ailment, informing someone of the best places to eat, or giving tips to calm anxiety, I am all for it. So, there you have it - that's me! Thank you for taking the time out of your day to get to know me a little bit! I hope you stop by and check out more of my articles in the future!

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