10 Things You Took for Granted in High School

1. Home cooked meals
Legit, cooking is hard, and if you are clumsy or forgetful, it’s even worse! There’s no better sound in the world than the dinner bell (or mom’s voice saying dinner is ready).
2. Short trips to and from class
Walking to classes in air-conditioned buildings and never having to trek through the sweltering heat, from one side of campus to the next, in only 10 minutes.
3. Seeing your friends and/or family everyday
If you go to school outside of your hometown, you know what I’m talking about. As soon as you go back home, you literally spend all of your time with them.
4. Free time
Friends actually being able to hang out with you anytime of day. In college, everyone is constantly busy and on different schedules.
Need I say more?
6. Small classes
Teachers knowing your name and being available to help. In college you will just be another student to them. Hint: Get to know them. If they do research ask them about it, they’ll probably love you.
7. Having down time
(For Netflix purposes).
8. Having money
Might be yours, might be your parents’. Regardless, it counts.
9. Easy classes
Having a blow-off, easy, no homework class.
10. Having a plan
Everyone is doing the same thing and on the same timeline. Counselors pick your classes and walk you through high school.
Feature image source: newshour-tc.pbs.org
Andrea thinks she’s clever but she really isn’t. When she isn’t searching for her Great Perhaps, she enjoys falling behind in classes because of pinterest, instagram and sometimes the occasional walk. She’s a thinker and overthinks everything.